Fragment taken from "Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2291" for Friday September 24th, 2021

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2291 for Friday September 24th, 2021

Courtesy and support: 
Caryn Eve Murray (KD2GUT) at the news desk in New York

For the 18 students who spent three days on the summits in Romania, this past summer will always be the Summer of the Perseids. Under the guidance of seven adults, including their teacher Adrian YO5IA, the young amateurs from Transylvania ventured into the Vlădeasa  Mountains in mid-August. They were backpacking to experience nature — and the nature of making SOTA radio contacts from on high. 

Sorin, YO2MSB, who is ranked a SOTA Mountain Goat, schooled the students in SOTA basics. Then, using their school club callsign YO6KGS, they set up stations on various peaks in an attempt to accumulate points.

According to a diary kept by students Daria, YO6CDC, and Horatiu, YO6HDC, daylight hours were spent learning about SOTA and chasing contacts. At night, they chased another contact, the Perseid Meteor showers. They had extra help from a telescope brought by Rares, a guest at the chalet where the group was staying.

Daria wrote in her diary, in English translation: [quote] "No matter how tired we were, we couldn't miss the campfire and the opportunity to look through Rares' telescope. Waiting for our turn to look at the planets Saturn and Venus, our eyes were directed only to the sky at the Perseids. We were so excited that we woke up at 4 in the morning to watch them at their maximum intensity."[endquote]

The students may not have successfully activated all the summits on their list, but they scored big points with the Perseids. Adrian told Newsline more SOTA expeditions are planned this year and then next summer it's back to the Vlădeasa Mountains: He said [quote] "The days of the Perseids will become a tradition for us."[endquote]

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Ed Durrant DD5LP.
With thanks to Adrian Baciu, YO5IA; ARISS; the ARRL; Bob Koepke, AA6TB; CQ Magazine; Dave Hartley, K5OZ; David Behar K7DB; Don Beattie, G3BJ; East Essex Hackspace; Lloyd Colston, KC5FM; Ohio Penn DX;; the PAARC; Southgate Amateur Radio News;; Spacenews; Ted Randall's QSO Radio Show; Twitter; WTWW Shortwave; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. You can write to us at We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website at and know that we appreciate you all.

For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB in Wadsworth Ohio saying 73. As always we thank you for listening.


YO6BEA - Beatrice, YO6BLS - Ștefan, 
YO6BTI - Ioana, YO6CDC - Daria,
YO6CMM - Marius, YO6CPI - Patricia, 
YO6DAB - Darius, YO6DLS - Ștefan, 
YO6HDC - Horațiu, YO6MAG - Georgiana, 
YO6MIP - Ioana, YO6NWP - Paul, 
YO6RTP - Radu, YO6RUX - Oana, 
YO6SNK - Andrei, YO6TMM - Mădălin, 
YO6ZAO - Raul, YO6-618/MS - Denisa, 
YO6-619/MS - Andrei,
Rares, Alex, Lucas
Camelia Covaci,  Alexandra Covaci,  
Marius Cozoș,  YO2MSB - Sorin, 
YO5MCM - Mihaela, YO5IA - Adrian 

SOTA pe Piatra Secuiului, cu antena construita de ei cu doua zile inainte:

Vineri (17.09.2021) au construit o antena inverted-Vee in banda de 20m, iar duminica (19.09.2021) au folosit-o pe varful Piatra Secuiului.

Participantii la acest mic proiect: 
- Radu - YO6RTP,
- Daria - YO6CDC,
- Raul - YO6ZAO,
- Horatiu - YO6HDC,
- Andrei - YO6SNK


Summit code: YO/Western Carpathians-006
Activators: YO6CDC/P, YO6HDC/P, 
Lat, Long: 46.4464, 23.5878
Locator: KN16tk
Height: 1128 m / 3701 ft ASL
Activation date: 19.09.2021


Toți instructorii radioclubului nostru sunt voluntari care muncesc cu elevii în timpul liber, fără remunerare.



·        Fondul Științescu Mureș
·         I.S.J. Mureș
·         Radioclubul Județean Mureș
·         Primăria comunei Râciu
·         Zilahi György (YO6OBG)
·         Mihai Suciu (LA/YO6SM)
·         Alexandru Menyei (YO6AL)
·         Mihaela Carmen (YO5MCM)
·         Sorin Barbu (YO2MSB)
·         Haraszti Werner (YO6OGW)
·         Ilie Bologa (YO6OCT)
·         Valentin Mariș (YO6DDF)
·         Székely Sándor (YO6PES)
·         Cătălin Vatra (YO3CAT)
·         Mihai Olteanu YO3OM (YO3GCL)
·         Reichel Gabor (YO6PVG)
·         Ovidiu Chiorean (YO6PIR)
·         Cristian Luca (YO6PFL)
·         Francisc Grunberg (YO4PX)
·         Vasile Giurgiu (YO6EX)

… și mulți alții !
