Via Transilvanica


Via Transilvanica is a long-distance trail for walking, cycling and horse riding. It is about 1400 km long and crosses Romania from Putna (in the North-West part of Moldova) to Drobeta Turnu-Severin (a city in the West part of Wallachia), passing through more than 400 communities.

Most of it crosses Transylvania with all its ethnic and cultural regions, hence the name.

Via Transilvanica is inspired by other long distance trails around the World, such as El Camino, Pacific Crest Trail and Appalachian Trail. Via Transilvanica is a journey of courage because it makes us talk about who we really are. It helps us discover landmarks from the Danube shores, to the mountain ridges.

It is the longest art exhibition in the World, with 1400 hand-carved milestones along the entire trail.

For more information please visit:
The Traveler’s Guide on Via Transilvanica

The guide is available in Romanian, Hungarian, German and English.

YR1400VT - The second part of our Special Event, the second year of Via Transilvanica

Period: May 15, 2024 - November 30, 2024


Via Transilvanica FT8/FT4 Award 


The minimum number of radio contacts (QSOs) to get the award:

European stations: 

10 QSOs on 10 different days during May 15, 2024 - November 30, 2024.

Romanian stations and also ER, E7, HA, LZ, OM, UR, YU, Z3, Z6, 4O, 9A

5 QSOs on 5 different days during the period of activation. (because of the skip)

Other continents:

3 QSOs on 3 different days.

Only one QSO per day is counted, even if you make more than one QSO on the same day.


The awards will be granted only in November and December 2024. 

Via Transilvanica FT8/FT4 award will be granted ONLY for FT8 and/or FT4 QSOs.

Via Transilvanica SOTA and POTA award will be granted ONLY for SSB and/or CW QSOs.

You don't have to send the log. An e-mail will be active in November and December 2024 to ask for the award.

Technical team FT8/FT4: 
Haraszti Werner YO6OGW,
Szoke Attila YO6OGY,
Adrian Baciu YO5IA.


Toți instructorii radioclubului nostru sunt voluntari care muncesc cu elevii în timpul liber, fără remunerare.



·        Fondul Științescu Mureș
·         I.S.J. Mureș
·         Radioclubul Județean Mureș
·         Primăria comunei Râciu
·         Zilahi György (YO6OBG)
·         Mihai Suciu (LA/YO6SM)
·         Alexandru Menyei (YO6AL)
·         Mihaela Carmen (YO5MCM)
·         Sorin Barbu (YO2MSB)
·         Haraszti Werner (YO6OGW)
·         Ilie Bologa (YO6OCT)
·         Valentin Mariș (YO6DDF)
·         Székely Sándor (YO6PES)
·         Cătălin Vatra (YO3CAT)
·         Mihai Olteanu YO3OM (YO3GCL)
·         Reichel Gabor (YO6PVG)
·         Ovidiu Chiorean (YO6PIR)
·         Cristian Luca (YO6PFL)
·         Francisc Grunberg (YO4PX)
·         Vasile Giurgiu (YO6EX)

… și mulți alții !
